Guest Lecture with Prof. Roderick Salenga of WHO Indonesia

01 Apr 2023

Friday, March 31, 2023, Polkesyo welcomed a special guest, Prof. Roderick Layug Salenga, RPh, MPH. He is the Acting Team Leader for Health System Strengthening of WHO Indonesia. He was in Yogyakarta mainly to attend Kick-off Meeting Pilot Program for Strengthening Health Polytechnic Lecturers but in the afternoon, he made a visit to Polkesyo to deliver a lecture titled “Health Leadership in A Changing Health Landscape.” 

Also present in the audience were the Director of Polkesyo, Dr. Iswanto, S.Pd., M.Kes., and the Secretary of Directorate General of Health Workers, Mr. Sugianto, SKM, MScPH., both of which delivered opening speeches to welcome the speaker for the day. Mr. Iswanto’s speech emphasized on how changes and innovations in health happen at rapid pace and therefore the students needed to listen to the lecture as it would be important for their professional lives. On the other hand, Mr. Sugianto explained to the students as to who Mr. Erick was and how the contribution of WHO could be massively beneficial for the opening of an international class in Nursing Department Polkesyo in the next academic year. More than 250 students and lecturers attended the event at Grha Bina Husada, while more than 600 participants from other Poltekkes Kemenkes also tuned in to the lecture via Zoom meeting. The lecture was guided by Mrs. Niken Meilani, S.SiT., S.Pd., M.Kes., a lecturer of Midwifery Department Polkesyo.

Despite the time constraints, Prof. Erick managed to deliver the lecture fully. One premise of his lecture states that health is one of fundamental rights of every human being, without distinction of race, religion, political belief, and economic or social condition. As health also involves local community or wider society, there needs to be prevention of disease and promotion of health through organized efforts and informed choices. Yet, the health system faces numerous complex challenges that may as well serve as opportunities, including the starting point of healthcare, the role of technology, resources for frontliners and patients, and healthcare professionals. Therefore, healthcare workers and professionals have roles in promoting and protecting societal values: trust, access, equity, and accountability. Prof. Erick emphasized that health leadership means taking an active role in the direction of healthcare today.

The limited time demands only one question to be asked in the discussion, and it was related to how to improve public perception towards healthcare workers. Answering the question, Prof. Erick discusses the importance of professionalism is to be followed by social contract, accountability, and social accountability and therefore professional culture and change approach are needed to improve practice. 

The guest lecture was closed with the signing of the letter of visitation and the presenting of token of appreciation. Photo session was conducted promptly given the timeframe.